Bled Tourist Board

The Bled Tourist Board is a dedicated organization that serves as the gateway to the enchanting town of Bled, Slovenia. With a mission to promote and facilitate tourism in this picturesque destination, the Bled Tourist Board offers a wide range of services and resources to ensure visitors have a memorable and enjoyable experience.

At the heart of their efforts is a commitment to providing information and assistance to tourists, helping them discover the beauty, culture, and activities that Bled has to offer. Whether it's exploring the iconic Bled Castle perched on a cliff, taking a traditional pletna boat to the island with its charming church, or indulging in the region's culinary delights, the Bled Tourist Board is your go-to source for planning an unforgettable visit.

Additionally, the board works closely with local businesses, accommodations, and event organizers to foster sustainable tourism and ensure that visitors can make the most of their stay. They also play a vital role in preserving the natural beauty of Bled and its surroundings, promoting responsible travel practices and environmental conservation.

Whether you're a first-time traveler or a returning visitor, the Bled Tourist Board is your partner in exploring this captivating destination, offering valuable insights and assistance to make your stay in Bled truly special.

Contact information:

Title: Javni zavod Turizem Bled (Bled Tourist Board) 
Address: Ljubljanska cesta 27, SI - 4260 Bled
Telephone: 04 578 05 00
Identification number: 1121782000
Tax number: SI 10544194
IBAN: SI56 0120 3600 0000 311, The Bank of Slovenia


Blaž Veber

Marketing and Promotion Manager
Elizabeta Skumavc 

General Affairs Manager
Maja Lakota

Digital Marketing Manager
Anja Kikelj

Product Development Manager
Mateja Vilman

Destionation Development Manager
Maja Pančur

Events and Congress Manager (temporarily absent)
Eva Pretnar Brglez 

Events and Congress Manager
Rok Lesjak 

Project Manager
Petra Pekovec

Tourist information officer
Brian Matija Schiffrer

Public Relations (external collaborator)
Nika Pirnar