Potica (cake) from Podbrezje
Local speciality with a filling of dry “tepka” pears and dry apple slices.
The village of Podbrezje, which has a rich fruit-growing tradition, lies just a few kilometres from Bled. Even the famous polymath, Janez Vajkard Valvasor, wrote about it. Dry fruit was used to prepare various dishes. The “slice potica” was first mentioned in 1915 in a recipe by Rezka Faletov, a cook from Podbrezje. Potica with a filling of dry “tepka” pears and dry apple slices was brought to Bled by Neža Primik, a resident of Podbrezje born in the village of Waidisch, which was famous for her culinary delicacies in Bled’s “Lovec” inn. Today, this dish is prepared by master bakers of the Podbrezje potica, who had to earn this title by passing a special exam. The “tepka” pears, provided by Janez Šoklič from Zgornje Laze, give the Podbrezje potica a special touch. The Podbrezje potica convinced many, among whom Pope Francis, and it found its way even in the European parliament.
Points of sale
Veronika Aljančič (Podbrezje 224, 4202 Naklo, aljancicveronika@gmail.com, +386 (0)40 25 48 89)
Marija Štaut (Podbrezje 259, 4202 Naklo, marijasm1@gmail.com, +386 (0)31 77 11 96)
Bernarda Mihelič (Podbrezje 168, 4202 Naklo, mihelic.bernarda@gmail.com, +386 (0)41 35 03 32
Ivanka Kne (Podbrezje 137, 4202 Naklo, ivankakne9@gmail.com, +386 (0)41 39 87 56)
Erna Mokorel (Zvirče 86, 4290 Tržič, erna.mokorel@siol.net, +386 (0)41 69 49 69)
Jana Aljančič (Podbrezje 176, 4202 Naklo, aljancic.jana@gmail.com, +386 (0)40 56 07 65)
Bled Market at Christmas and Easter time (KGZ Gozd Bled, Za Žago 1a, Bled)
Bled Market at Christmas and Easter time (Ljubljanska cesta 15a, Bled)