The castle wine cellar Dornberg
Open during the opening times of the Bled Castle.
Distance from Lake Bled (in metres)
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The castle wine cellar can be found at Bled Castle, where you can choose from more than twenty different wines of Vina Dornberg. Besides the medieval ambience, our wine cellar fills bottles the old-fashioned way and with a little help of the master printer, you can even try out your own bottling skills. Wine tasting is organised for small groups (10 to 20 people), large groups are divided into smaller groups, so that programmes are best suited for all (visit to the Castle Print Printing Works, presentation of Rikli – the beginner of wellness tourism ...). We select three wines for visitors to taste; however, their number can be changed. Sparkling wine bottle opening with a sword can also be included in the wine cellar experience.
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