Tulsi tea

Mateja Reš, nosilka dopolnilne dejavnosti na kmetiji

Zgornje Gorje 37a, 4247 Zgornje Gorje

+386 (0)31 77 80 96


A herbal tea made from the holy Indian basil from the Garden of flavours.

Tulsi is love at first taste. Mateja Reš also realised this, and as soon as she tasted the magic of this plant, she found a place for it in her Garden of tastes.

The holy Indian basil is distinguished by its beautiful growth and beneficial effect. During drying it develops an abundance of aroma, warmth, tenderness, but still leaves a strong impression.

For this reason, Tulsi tea is the right choice for welcoming the day early in the morning or saying goodbye to it late in the evening. Pour the tea into your mug and indulge in a magical journey into the world of taste and smell of holy Indian basil.