Tepka pear – prga

Kulturno-umetniško društvo Zasip

Sebenje 6, 4260 Bled

+386 (0)70 635 911

An authentic taste of the culinary and historical heritage of the village of Zasip.

The village of Zasip lies right next to Bled and is known for its Tepka pears, which are called “prge”. The name “Tepka” originates from the time of the Austro-Hungarian Empress Maria Theresa, who ordered the planting and propagation of pears during a time of scarcity. And anyone who refused got a beating (“tepež” in Slovenian).

Zasip housewives dried these typical pears and ground them into flour, which they added to the bread mixture. That's how the village got its name, Prgarija.

The tradition of culinary use of the “prga” dried pears continues thanks to the Zasip Cultural and Arts Associations and the Association of housewives, which still create delicacies from dried pars today. You can also use “prga” pears yourself in your favourite recipes.