Bled Bus

Explore one of the most beautiful corners of the world with a positive attitude towards nature and responsible travel habits. Take advantage of this sustainable mobility option and travel around Bled and its surroundings with the Bled Bus. This way you will help us reduce the traffic load and reduce noise in the sensitive alpine environment while avoiding parking problems and saving time and money.

By taking the bus, you will have more time to watch nature and plan your journey as you like, since you won’t need to return to the starting point. Choose an easy way to discover hidden gems and well-known corners of Bled during summer months.


Bled bus linije vecja

Bled bus vozni red vecja


What is Bled Bus?


Capacity, frequency and line departures:

Pokljuka Line:

Countryside Line:

Lake Line:


What else do you need to know?


Every day in July and August.

Bled Bus. Wandering made easy.

Bled Bus 2024 - timetable.pdf

Bled Bus© Boris Pretnar